Support Us

The most basic way to support us is to give us your email address. That way, we can let you know whenever we release something and who knows, maybe one day you’ll like something so much you just have to buy it so you can listen to it on repeat…
Of course, another really helpful thing to do is to let your friends know.

What Is Bandcamp?

Simply put, Bandcamp is the most direct way for you to support us.

If you love any of our songs enough to buy them, we’ll get most of the money minus a small fee for the admin costs. In turn, we’ll put it back into making music and if you give us your email address we’ll let you know each time we release another song.


If you really believe in us, you can subscribe giving us (amount of money) a month / year and it will allow us to devote more time to making more music. You’ll get everything we’ve done and a few extras to say thanks for your ongoing support.

Either way, we greatly appreciate your help in keeping new music alive.

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