I’m the luckiest. Not much else to add.
Looking back it’s plain to see,
That we were bound to fail,
For she could never really love,
A soul without a tail…
Deep Felt Gratitude
Used to be that you’d have a section in the liner notes where you could say thanks to those that got you there. Seems like the website is the obvious place to say that now and so I’d like to acknowledge the following people – without them today would be very, very different:
Bushy & Col, Samarina, Grant, DAndrea, Rachel, Phil & Antonia Tierney, Beccaloon, Mike & the Seniors, Hoppy, Anna & Gordon, Rob Gillibrand, Lynda Daveezzz, Martyn Hare, Lady Bunnington, Derek Holland, Robin Cieslak, Michael Warner, Manny Roper Spring, Simon Hardy, Diane & Howard, Lord & Lady Soar, Charlie & Naomi Evans, Dr. Ketan Dhatariya, The Bercots, The Beans, Sir Rance A Lot and his Crew, Prof. Antony Case, Bernie & Penny Daniels, J&M Knightley & The Penguin Punchers, Phil Sutton, Andrew Green, David Bloor, Mark Osmond, Reg, Lizzie Cann, Yoshi & one of my favourite people, Solomon Bear.
I also want to use this space to remember the love given to me by Lesley Mai-James & Aunty Win. They are sorely missed.
I try & exercise forgiveness at every opportunity as I never know when I’ll need it and don’t want to be out of practise. I can only hope that the people in my life continue to find it for me when required…